Thursday, September 20, 2007

5.2.2007The funeral for my grandmother was last Wednesday, a week ago, April 25, and what a beautiful experience that was- and quite difficult to justify within the scope of words. My father asked me the morning I arrived in Albany if I would like to say a few words at her funeral mass. I was honored to do so, as herein I had been writing several things in terms of memories and reflections about what she meant to me. How many times she had been present in my life. So it seemed a relatively easy task for me, even if it was not under the circumstances for which I wanted to deliver such lines. But I knew she would have delighted in that. So even waking that morning, I found that I had developed a sore throat where my voice faltered often. That much discouraged me from the task but I still fought that impulse to flee from saying a few words. Even so, the eulogy was not the highlight of the funeral proceedings, but rather the vigil mass and the funeral mass that was said, was in a large attendance. From my aunt and uncle to the entire side of the Piurek family, dozens and dozens of relatives showed up to pay their last respects. I couldn't have been prouder of her at that moment, realizing how much she affected the lives of those around her. That was an honorable tribute to her life. Even the paperboy showed up, or so some of my Dad's friends who would have known her when they were younger as my father's Mom. It's a smaller town than I think we can give it credit for when so many people truly know one another.I had an incredibel time getting reacquainted with "long lost" relatives. In a lot of ways, my family was the pack of long lost relatives. They've been in the surrounding areas the whole time while we were the ones who left.

1 comment:

Carmenisacat said...

Which town is this?

And I'm glad you are going to start chronicling again!