Sunday, May 01, 2011

There was the suggestion that maybe a blog should have an end to it, and looking back on the 208 posts I've made on this blog, I think, since 2003, I find that a foolish proposition. Maybe it's a good one for other blogs in the future. Making them like smaller books or essays wrapped up into neat onion-like passages. Not this one though, the BR will carry on as it is. Even though I don't live close to the boulevard anymore. But discourse creates world and that world creates the discourse. Maybe this idea leads to a question, which I seldom ask of the blog- what is it its theme? what is its centralizing force? It is in fact what helps us become better writers. More exact in what we have to say.
I've nver liked the approach of exactitude as much because I enjoy the topos...I've also come to agree with Langan who once told me that it was a matter of writing for awhile before you really get to the inception. You need to get on a roll before you find the inspiration...

Possible avenues of explorability: 1) Denis Johnson Reexamination of the Sick-Soul.
Paper I wrote for Doctor Zacharias' class/
Also 2) need more information on EthicAd and FDA- pscyh drug advertisement requirements
3) investigate Yahoo careers- copyrighters'
4) stay on Hayneedle. Write to Leslie and see what is required-come up with writing sample