Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Start with Now.

How many times have you read this in the annals of self-help literature. Frankly, I do get somewhat burned out on recovery/self-help lit sometimes. The David Burnses, the Julia Camerons, the Dalai Lamas. I prefer the harsh, impersonal words of Richard Hugo, Chuck Chamberlain, Paul Auster, the guys who just say this is how it is: It's here if you want it, whatever "it" you happen to be after. But there was a book Poemcrazy that I just got to read a few pages from... start today start with now is what they say. And so you have to go there. Try to write down the way it may be right now. I made a mistake yesterday in that I wrote down some thoughts I had had in my mind, thoughts which disturbed me and which were causing me great pain because I could not account for their origin. I've been known to fabricate a veritiable funk before, so it didn't really surprise but I've known for some time that when you go into the whirlwind, I've just have to ride it out.

Start with Now.

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