Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Inside Looking Out. For Once & NOW.

You suddenly realize you are surrounded by this fellowship. Called so because they are brothers & sisters and they combine to make one big unit. Surrounded at the meeting today by some new acquaintances. People come to you for guidance, for support. You're like Red. You're a man who can get things. Now I've been trained by the universe to communicate with these people, to send them in the right direction. To tell them where to go, how to find what they are looking for. But for the same usual reasons, i can't manage these two who walk off in other directions. I don't lie. I tell the truth but there's always people who think you're ignorant, you don't know what you're talking about. I am the teacher, in this circumstance,, I have a job to do, and my job is not to be right all the time, but to not lead anyone too far astray. Avoid the satisfaction of being right, of needing to be right for pride sake. That is pride, and is short-lived. What purpose does it served. For every single thing I am correct about, there are thousands of other things, I would not know the answer to. But there seems to be a gain that can be had just from trying to live in the truth. It seems to eminate from itself. We don't know everything, I don't have the answers to everything, but I am making suggestions. My siggestions don't always pan out entirely. On the positive side of things, I am delighted to have Sylvester & Claudia learning along with me. They are very eager students, much like Josh & Mike were. And Rob. And Andrea & And Sam & Lisa & and the other two. They just wanted to exceed , do well, learn the lingo.
Let me be not bigger than who I am, let my mind not balloon farther than my body's limitations... let me not take for granted what has been granted me. Let me not belittle what talents I have, nor cast aside the good people & friends that have been shown to me through the grace of God. Let me be even eyed with the world so I can meet every challenge that is cast into my path...

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