Friday, January 09, 2009

Before you begin again, remember your last words to me
How light they were, spoken in weakness,
how they played the odds, how they always played the odds,
John said, the word was in the beginning, take it or leave it.
Off and on, for the rest of eternity. Pass the buck, though
we may like to do so, the word is still there, patient,
but immovable, even more so than an obelisk, statues,
thunderclouds, a seated devotee.
The last words spoken before the thunder,
which merely clapped like the judgement of reception
into heaven or hell, the champagne light or the wine, wicked.
I knew what was said, in that time, I wasn't dumb or deaf,
but the proof was stacked against me, you.
X would not be defined any other way than how the calculists
have always determined that X could be defined.
No regrets, no regrets, just a hope to be good again.

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