Thursday, December 06, 2007

A guy I once knew named Doyle used to say something similar to this about recovery, except using the analogy of a large and elegant banquet. He said too many people just get the salad bar and settle for that but completely ignore the rest of the buffet. And it's as if that is the very thing which is missing. To think of the spiritual food, and how the only way we are short changed is by simply not taking advantage of all this life truly has to offer us. By turning to material things, which will always be limited and leave us wanting.

"I was raised to believe that the quality of a man's life would greatly increas, not with the gain of status or success, not by his heart's knowing romance or by prosperity in industry or academia, but by his nearness to God...God bestows three blessings on man: to feed him like birds, to dress him like flowers, and befriend him as a confidant. Too many take the first two and neglect the last. Sooner or later you figure out life is constructed specifically and brilliantly to squeeze a man into association with the Owner of heaven. It is a struggle, with labor pains and thorny landscape, bloody hands and a sweaty brow, head in hands, moments of severe loneliness and questioning, moments of ache and desire. All this leads us to God, I think... Life is a dance toward God... And the dance is not so graceful as we might want. While we glide and swing our practiced sway, God crowds our feet, bumps our toes, and scuffs our shoes. So we learn to dance with the One who made us. And it is a difficult dance to learn, because its steps are foreign...And I think to myself, There is nothing I am missing. I have everything I was supposed to have to experience the magnitude of this story, to dance with God." --Domald Miller, Through Painted Deserts: Light God and Beauty on the Open Road.

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